How to save on your policy

With Pinnacol, there are numerous ways to reduce your premium costs.

Premium size discount

If your standard premium is more than $10,000, you can receive a percentage discount that’s based on the total amount you pay.

Cost Containment Certification

This discount rewards you for having a safety program and achieving certification through the Colorado Workers’ Compensation Cost Containment Certification (CCC) Program. 

Expert safety consultants and online safety resources are available to help you become certified.

Schedule rating

This plan applies to manual premiums of $4,000 and greater. It looks at your current risk characteristics and what your company has done and is currently doing as a predictor of performance.

Designated provider discount

You’ll receive a 2.5 percent discount for having designated medical providers. SelectNet, our preferred provider network, offers comprehensive care through a statewide network of over 3,300 occupational health practitioners. 

These aren’t just any medical providers. They’re experts in workers’ comp and dedicated to providing the best care in Colorado.

Pinnacol performance credit

Manage risks and claims costs and earn a discount in the process. Learn more about the list of criteria for this discount by talking to one of our customer service representatives.

Deductible discount

This discount allows you to pay a portion of your claims costs on a per-claim basis in exchange for a premium discount.

Safety group program

We offer a safety group program that can include a premium discount for participating policyholders.

Get started with an online quote or by connecting with a Pinnacol agent partner.

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Mandy is our audit lead in insurance services