In workers’ compensation, an authorized treating physician (ATP) is responsible for determining when an injured worker (IW) has reached maximum medical improvement (MMI) from the effects of the industrial injury.
MMI is the point in time when:
Although the maximum time to send reports is listed below, rapid submission of the report will avoid further delay of the IW’s return to work. Establishing if a claim has impairment will determine the time frame for submitting the report and what needs to be included in the report.
When the ATP has determined the IW is at MMI and has not returned to his/her pre-injury state, physically and/or mentally, the ATP determines a permanent medical impairment rating. If there is impairment as a result of the industrial injury, a Colorado Level II accredited provider must perform the impairment rating. The IW’s level of permanent medical impairment must be determined in accordance with the Revised Third Edition of the AMA Guides.
Pinnacol may request an independent medical exam (IME) to determine if MMI has been reached. Although Pinnacol cannot direct medical care, Pinnacol can ask what additional treatment will improve the IW’s condition, and may question whether functional gain has been achieved after a course of treatment.
IWs may require treatment after MMI to maintain their functional status. The ATP should indicate whether continuing care is needed in the maintenance care after MMI” section on the WC164 form. The follow-up care must be documented in the final report.
If an IW returns for additional non-maintenance care after MMI has been declared, a medical narrative report should be submitted to Pinnacol. If there is a lapse in treatment of more than 60 days on a non-lost-time claim, a narrative report should be submitted.
The following questions should be addressed in the narrative:
If additional treatment is needed, a detailed treatment plan, including the type of treatment needed, the duration of that treatment, and work restrictions, should be submitted to Pinnacol. The anticipated new date of MMI should also be stated on the treatment plan.
The impairment rating and/or the date of MMI can be challenged by requesting a Division Independent Medical Exam (DIME) from the Division of Workers’ Compensation.
When an ATP recommends a return visit and the IW does not return after two or more scheduled appointments, the ATP is not abandoning the IW. The IW may voluntarily terminate the relationship by ignoring the advice to receive further treatment and choosing not to return. The IW’s failure to return effectively terminates the physician-IW relationship and the ATP may consider this to be noncompliance on the part of the IW.
The ATP should notify the insurer of the IW’s missed appointments through written documentation. A formal notification to the IW and insurer is required if the ATP independently decides to discharge the IW for nonmedical reasons. The ATP must exercise independent judgment on whether and when to discharge an IW.
If the ATP decides to discharge an IW, Pinnacol or the employer will send the IW a letter asking whether the IW requires additional medical treatment or is claiming permanent impairment. The letter is sent after the second missed medical appointment and asks the IW to respond within 30 days.
Questions? Please contact us at or 303.361.4945.
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