In addition to winterizing your work vehicles, you should encourage your employees to get their personal cars ready for winter. Try these suggestions safety consultants use for their own cars:
- See if your lights, battery, brakes, wiper blades, antifreeze and heater/defroster work.
- Make an emergency kit for the car that includes a flare, ice scrapers, tire chains, a tow rope and jumper cables.
- Install snow tires and/or measure the tread on your all-weather tires to see if they need to be replaced.
- Store kitty litter or salt in the trunk to help with traction on slippery roads.
- Stow a warm blanket, water and dried fruit in the trunk in case you get stranded on the road.
- Check the exhaust pipe for clogs caused by snow or ice, which can lead to carbon monoxide leaking into the vehicle.
- Always keep the gas tank above half full to prevent gas line freezing.
- Don’t idle the car to warm it up; this wastes gas and may harm your engine.
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