Step-by-step guide to vehicle safety: Tips from Pinnacol Assurance and JFW Trucking

Mindy Carrothers
Manager, Marketing and Communications
August 2, 2024
Workplace safety

Workplace safety is a top priority for any company, but the risks employees face while driving are often overlooked. Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death among workers by a 2:1 margin, accounting for one-third of all Pinnacol claims in the last ten years and have contributed to nearly 100 deaths in the last decade. It’s essential for employers to take steps to protect their staff.

Motor vehicle accident injury trends

According to Pinnacol claims data, the professions most at risk for these accidents include: 

  • Healthcare workers
  • Truckers
  • Non-commercial drivers
  • Auto service and repair technicians
  • Police officers. 

The peak times for motor vehicle accidents are 9-11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Just over a quarter of fatal motor vehicle accidents related to the workplace involved someone who wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, speeding, running a red light or intoxication, all avoidable factors.

"The data is clear – motor vehicle accidents pose a significant threat to workplace safety,” said Monica Cabrera, Pinnacol’s Safety Learning Specialist. “It's imperative for employers to actively engage in preventative measures, such as implementing a defensive driving program.”

Key strategies to mitigate risks

Use your seatbelt: Ensure employees wear seat belts at all times. This can significantly reduce the risk of severe injury or death.

Minimize distractions: Distracted driving is a significant cause of accidents. Limit phone use to hands-free devices and avoid activities that divert the driver's attention from the road.

Comprehensive training: Offer defensive driving programs to educate employees on safe driving practices. These programs promote safety at work and create a culture of safety.

Vehicle maintenance: Regularly inspect vehicles, including brakes, tires, and other critical systems. Installing elements to reduce blind spots and using cameras with artificial intelligence can also improve safety.

Drug and alcohol policies: Implement and enforce strict policies prohibiting the consumption of substances that could impair drivers during working hours.

Expert tips from JFW Trucking, a Pinnacol customer

JR Saenz, safety director at JFW Trucking, emphasizes the importance of preparation and focus on safety. "The most important thing, first of all, starts with the person, being focused, having that safety mentality, and doing things right," said Saenz.

Here are some specific measures JFW Trucking takes to ensure vehicle safety:

Driver decision-making: Each driver must be prepared to make decisions that prioritize safety, especially during peak accident seasons. Saenz highlights the need for a safety-first mentality.

Compliance with job requirements: Drivers must meet specific requirements to be fit for the job, including adhering to drug and alcohol policies. 

"Most companies in Colorado have strict policies against consuming intoxicating substances during working hours," said Monica Cabrera.

Vehicle inspections: Regular inspection of the vehicle is crucial. "Inspect the brakes; everything that has to do with the truck needs to be inspected," said Saenz.

Reducing blind spots: Installing mirrors and other elements to minimize blind spots is essential. Jaime Villagrana, a driver at JFW Trucking, noted that new trucks come equipped with mirrors on both sides to better see vehicles approaching from the sides.

Use of AI cameras: AI cameras are used as a control method to detect and alert drivers about unsafe behaviors, such as following too closely or using a phone while driving. Saenz explained, "If a driver grabs the phone, the camera detects it within five to ten seconds and alerts the driver to put the phone away."

Pedestrian awareness: Ideally, both truck drivers and pedestrians must be aware of each other. For instance, pedestrians should signal their presence to truck drivers, especially when crossing in front of a truck. "The mirror on the truck is taller than a person, so raising your arm helps the driver see someone in front of them," Saenz advised.

The challenge is pedestrians aren’t often aware of the importance of making truck drivers aware of their presence. For that reason, it’s even more imperative for drivers to be mindful and aware of other drivers and pedestrians in their vicinity. 

Provide training in multiple languages: It’s important for people to learn safety measures in the language they are accustomed to speaking to ensure they truly understand the key messages. For example, JFW has English and Spanish-speaking safety experts who train their employees. Similarly, Pinnacol provides training resources in multiple languages

Legislative measures and proactive steps

Colorado recently passed legislation, effective in 2025, restricting cell phone use while driving unless a hands-free device is used. This law aims to reduce distracted driving and create safer roads for all essential travelers in the state.

Prioritizing employee safety on the road saves lives and reduces financial burdens associated with accidents. Pinnacol Assurance and JFW Trucking urge all employers to implement these strategies and utilize available resources to improve vehicle safety.

For more information on workplace safety and to access resources for implementing effective vehicle safety programs, visit

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