Welcome to National Safety Month 2023! This year the month is dedicated to promoting safety and preventing preventable injuries at work and at home.
National Safety Month is an annual campaign emphasizing the significance of taking proactive measures to ensure our well-being.
This year, the theme is "Stay Safe at Work and Home," shedding light on the alarming statistics of preventable accidents, which rank as the fourth leading cause of death in the United States.
Each week of June will focus on a theme to help you stay safe at home and work.
Refer to these helpful Pinnacol resources to jumpstart each week of National Safety Month:
Week 1 — Emergency Preparedness
Week 2 — Slips, Trips and Falls
Week 3 — Heat-Related Illness
Week 4 — Hazard Recognition
The theme of "Stay Safe at Work and Home" encompasses two crucial aspects of our lives. Our workplaces, where we spend a significant portion of our waking hours, and our homes, where we seek comfort and relaxation, are both potential sites for accidents to occur.
National Safety Month urges us to address safety concerns in these environments, fostering a safety culture of prevention and vigilance.
Accidents, though often dismissed as mere mishaps, are responsible for a staggering number of deaths each year.
National Safety Month plays a pivotal role in encouraging individuals, families, and communities to take responsibility for their safety, both at work and home.
National Safety Month serves as a powerful reminder that accidents are not mere coincidences; they can be prevented through awareness and education.
Encourage your family, friends, and colleagues to prioritize safety, not just during National Safety Month but throughout the year.
As we observe National Safety Month and its theme, "Stay Safe at Work and Home," let's remember that safety is not a one-time event but an ongoing commitment.
By taking proactive steps to prevent accidents, we can protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities.
Together, let's create a culture of safety that resonates beyond this month, making a lasting impact on our lives.
Stay safe, stay vigilant, and make every month a National Safety Month!
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