Knowing the signs of a stroke or heart attack and how to respond quickly can save lives. Every year, thousands of Americans have heart attacks at work, and someone in America suffers a stroke every 40 seconds.
It's crucial to be prepared for such emergencies in the workplace as receiving quick assistance diminishes the long-term impact of a stroke and increases the odds of reopening the blocked artery in a heart attack. This guide will help you recognize the symptoms and take appropriate action to assist a coworker in need.
Strokes occur when the blood supply to the brain is cut off. To recognize signs of a stroke, use F.A.S.T.:
Other signs of stroke may include sudden onset of numbness, difficulty walking or seeing, and confusion.
After calling 911, record the time you saw the first symptoms and keep talking to the person until the ambulance arrives. They can lie down, but don’t let them eat or drink. If the person loses consciousness and stops breathing, perform CPR. A 911 operator can talk you through this.
A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart becomes blocked. Men and women often exhibit different symptoms when having a heart attack.
In women, you might see:
In men, you might see:
Call 911 immediately if you suspect a heart attack. Give the person an aspirin, unless they are allergic to the drug. If they become unconscious, perform CPR and use an automated external defibrillator if one is available.
Consider empowering your employees with a lifesaving skill: CPR. Offer conventional CPR certification at your workplace, and promote what the American Heart Association calls hands-only CPR. It’s CPR without breaths and it can be used if you see a teen or an adult suddenly collapse in a work/home/park setting.
Quick action can save a life in the case of a heart attack or stroke. Share these tips with your employees too, so everyone in your workplace is prepared.
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