To help ensure worker health and safety, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) conducts worksite inspections to verify its standards are being followed.
Pinnacol hosted an OSHA inspection webinar featuring Meredith Post, Compliance Safety and Health Officer at the Denver OSHA office. Here's what you need to know before your next OSHA inspection.
OSHA conducts both programmed and unprogrammed inspections. Programmed inspections are part of the agency's targeted emphasis programs (for example, amputations in manufacturing).
Several factors can trigger an unprogrammed inspection, including imminent danger or an accident or fatality. Other triggers include employee or union complaints, and referrals from the coroner's office, law enforcement, or the media.
No, OSHA does not let you know about an inspection ahead of time, but there are ways you can get ready today.
Before an OSHA inspection, you should designate an organization representative to be the main point of contact during the inspection and accompany the inspector throughout the visit. You can also prepare your employees by holding mock inspections and keeping your records organized and readily available.
When the inspector arrives, be sure to verify their credentials before admitting entry. During the opening conference, the inspector will discuss the purpose and scope of the inspection. They will also give you copies of any relevant complaints and let you know what your rights are as an employer.
The inspector will take the following steps during the visit:
Here's a quick video overview of the OSHA inspection process.
OSHA's compliance assistance is a proactive way to get free, confidential feedback without having an OSHA compliance officer on site. The program includes on-site audits and training, air and noise monitoring, and recommendations for addressing any hazards.
Watch Pinnacol's webinar with OSHA's Meredith Post to learn more.
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