
The economy has become a diversified powerhouse in the last decade.

Much of this growth is fueled by new industries, startups and legacy businesses that have realized the benefits of anchoring a workforce in Colorado. And while some office jobs don’t even come with an office anymore, many working Coloradans are still at risk of injury whether they are creating from a desk, a shared space or a home office. This evolving work environment means it’s more important than ever to have a workers’ comp insurance partner that understands your workforce and the risks you face.

Colorado Professional/ Clerical industry stats

The unique rhythms of office work produce patterns in workplace injuries. Here are a few insights that can help you keep your employees safe.

30% of injuries happen during the first year on the job

Daily danger zones: 8-11 a.m., 2 p.m.

Most common body part injured: Lower back

Industry expertise

With more than 12,000 customers operating in an office environment in Colorado, we have the expertise and resources to ensure you get the right protection for your business.
COVID-19 policy update